Suffice it to say-
Hot chicks playing with big telescopes are enough to set any soul ablaze.
That said, Miss Lucianne (which is a pretty sexy name, if I may just enter that evidence)
is one adorable star on the rise.
(Oh, shut up. It was punny.)
You see, while I'm doing REALLY important things like... uh... searching for the best lemon icy in town...
Lucianne is helping biologists search for life on other planets.
In her own words:
"I am a Kepler Postdoctoral Fellow in the Astronomy Department at the University of California Berkeley. I study magnetic activity in the atmospheres of cool stars through both observation and theory. In the links above, you'll find information on my current and past research projects, and a list of publications.I also draw and write comics, and paint."
hi sexy, wanna burn with me?